Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mindy's Baby Shower - boy or girl?

This is Mindy and the girls helping her to figure out what she is having. I think the ring says girl!! Wow, I sure hope so, talk about an instant girlfriend for me right out of the womb! I know we'll be inseparable!

Mom's New PJ's

Mom's friends are funny girls - a "pass on" gift for their 30th bdays are footie PJ's. Luckily dad was there to help her put them on. Her friend Jamie also made her some "grannie panties" which she looooved!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Baby Shower!

What a great time I had at Robyn's for the Baby Shower! They played fun games and gave Mom lots of advice about childbirth :) Don't worry mom, I'll go easy on ya!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Safari Room

G-ma Sheila & Auntie Kenzie came over last weekend to paint my baby room. Bea, the dog, helped too. They put four different colors on the walls. My dad is going to paint some safari animals on the walls for me to look at. Here he is sketching away. I can hardly wait!

What?! More Friends?

I am realizing what a lucky kid I'm gonna be. I won't even have to make friends on my own, mom and dad's friends are making them (literally) for me! Mindy and Cory Olson (due Nov) and now Pam and Gabe Sojka (due March)! I can't wait to get out and play with everyone! Here is mom with Mindy and Pam.

My Cuz Luke

My cousin Luke is great practice for mom.... and also helps jog my dad's memory of what it's like to have a little guy around. Here he is on my horsey from my G-ma. I think he is doing a great job breaking it in for me.